To obtain a temporary supply or have questions, call MetroPlusHealth Customer Service.
Options after you have used up your temporary supply:
- You can change to another drug – In some cases, there is a different drug covered by the plan that might work just as well for you. Please talk to your doctor about this. You can call Member Services to ask for a list of covered drugs that treat the same medical condition. This list can help your doctor to find a covered drug that might work for you.
- You can file an exception – You and your doctor can ask the plan to make an exception for you and cover the drug in the way you would like it to be covered. If your doctor or other prescriber says that you have medical reasons that justify asking us for an exception, your doctor or other prescriber can help you request an exception to the rule.
Formulary Transition Process
We will provide up to 30 days of a temporary supply of your medication, as needed, during the first 90 days you are a member if:
- you are taking a drug that is not on our Drug List (Formulary)
- health plan rules do not let you get the amount ordered by your prescriber
- you are taking a drug that is part of a step therapy restriction
This will allow you to talk to your doctor to decide if there is a similar drug on the Drug List (Formulary) that you can take instead.
If your prescription is for less than 30 days, multiple refills are allowed to provide you with up to a 30 day supply. Only drugs that are Part D drugs may receive a transition fill. Any drug that may be considered either Part B drugs or may be considered Part B or Part D drugs, are excluded from the transition process.
If you are in a long-term care facility, we will provide you up to a 31 day supply of your medication per fill, for up to a maximum of 31 days of medication during the first 90 days you are a member (depending on how your prescription is written). If you have been a member for longer than 90 days, we may cover up to a 31 day supply of your medication. Oral brand solid medications are limited to a 14 day supply with exception as required by CMS guidance. This gives your prescriber time to change your medication to a medication on the Drug List (Formulary).
If your level of care changes after the first 90 days that you are a member, we may provide you with an emergency supply of up to 31 day (unless your prescription is for less). Oral brand solid medications are limited to a 14 day supply with exception as required by CMS guidance.
For additional detailed information about MetroPlusHealth prescription drug coverage, rules and regulations, please review your Evidence of Coverage document. If you have any questions about MetroPlusHealth Medicare plans, please call 1-866-986-0356 (TTY: 711), 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Submitting a Paper Claim
When you go to a network pharmacy your claim is automatically submitted to us by the pharmacy. However, if you go to an out-of-network pharmacy, the pharmacy may not be able to submit the claim directly to us. When that happens, you may have to pay the full cost of your prescription and then ask us to pay you back using a paper claim.
To submit a paper claim, you must send CVS Caremark a copy of the receipt for the prescription drugs from the pharmacy where you bought them and a completed paper claim form. Please send your paper claim to the following address:
Paper Claims Department – RxClaim
CVS Caremark
P.O. Box 52066
Phoenix, AZ 85072-2066
1-866-693-4615 (TTY: 711), 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
You may access our Prescription Member Reimbursement paper claim form here or at bottom of this page. For more information, please call Member Services at 1-866-986-0356 (TTY: 711), 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Best Available Evidence
If you believe that you qualify for ”Extra Help” and you may be paying the wrong copayment amount for prescription drugs, please contact Member Services. We will work with you to update your Low Income Subsidy (LIS) status based on the best available evidence. For example, you might provide us with evidence of Medicaid status, which may show that you qualify you for “Extra Help”. Once you provide us with acceptable evidence, we will update our system and notify CMS. When you go to the pharmacy, the copayment you pay will be based on the latest information we receive.
Best Available Evidence Policy