What do I do if I think I have the coronavirus?
If you have symptoms including fever, cough, shortness of breath, sore throat, chills, repeated shaking with chills, muscle pain, or new loss of taste or smell, you should act as if you have coronavirus. If you have these symptoms, you should get tested now. You may also need medical care. If you have shortness of breath/chest pain or difficulty talking, you should go to your nearest urgent care center or emergency department If you need additional advice regarding COVID, you can call your doctor orthe NYC COVID hotline at 844-692-4692.
If you are sick with any of the symptoms above, you must stay inside and isolate yourself from others. This means you do not go to work, school, or ride public transit. Ask someone else to buy groceries for you or order delivery of food/groceries.
If you are not able to get tested, or if you get a positive COVID test result, it is best to quarantine yourself for 10 days from the onset of your symptoms AND you are 3 days without fever AND resolving symptoms.
While at home, stay as far away from the people you live with as is possible. Do not share personal items, like dishes, towels, or bedding, with others. Cover your mouth and nose when around others. Wash your hands frequently, and clean all surfaces you touch with household cleaning spray.
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