Find a Doctor, Dentist, or Specialist
Find your right doctor or specialist here.
Finding the right healthcare provider has never been easier. MetroPlusHealth’s “Find a Doctor, Dentist, or Specialist” tool connects you with a vast network of trusted professionals near you. Whether you need a primary care physician, a dental expert, or a specialist for a specific health concern, our user-friendly platform ensures you get the care you need when you need it. Take the first step toward better health today.
Find A Doctor Or Specialist
Search for doctors and specialists in MetroPlusHealth’s network.
Find a Dentist
*Find A Dentist: Participating dental providers for all our health plans, excluding MetroPlusHealth Gold and GoldCare
Schedule a Telehealth Visit
Learn more about MetroPlusHealth Virtual Visit, our telemedicine program, and how to use it.
What Services Do We Cover?
To see what is covered, check the benefits in your health plan via the Member Portal. Search for doctors and dentists, see claims, and view your coverage on our Member Portal.