Effective February 1, 2022, in order to improve access to services, NYS is transitioning four BH HCBS to a new service array called Community Oriented Recovery and Empowerment (CORE) Services. These four services include Community Psychiatric Support and Treatment (CPST), Psychosocial Rehabilitation (PSR), Family Support and Training (FST), and Empowerment Services – Peer Support (Peer Support). BH HCBS Short-term and Intensive Crisis Respite services will be transitioned to Crisis Intervention Benefit Crisis Residence services, already available to all adult Medicaid Managed Care enrollees. All other existing BH HCBS will remain available as BH HCBS with previously established requirements, workflows, and processes.
For members who are 21 or older, covered by Medicaid, and enrolled in a Health and Recovery Program (HARP), CORE services may be just right. Additionally, some individuals enrolled in HIV-Special Needs Plans or Medicaid Advantage Plus Plans will be eligible for CORE. CORE services are covered by health insurance, at no cost to our members.
Our providers who may be serving members receiving CORE services are required by the DOH to take specific trainings. Read the CORE training memo here for more information. You can access the CORE Benefit and Billing Guidance here. Please review the links below and register for trainings as soon as possible.
Registration and Helpful Links
To access the required trainings, log in to the CPI Learning Community using your username and password.
For registration assistance or to report technical issues: CPI Online Assistance Unit
For questions about training requirements for CORE Services, please contact your host agency
• OMH: [email protected]
• OASAS: [email protected]
Please visit the Center for Practice Innovations Homepage and FAQs for more information on the Learning Community.
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